Sunday, 29 September 2019

Treat Vaginal Infections, it Will Improve Your Health and Sex Life

When you have a vaginal infection, you constantly live with a discomfort surrounding your vaginal area. It eventually makes your sexual life uncomfortable and makes you abstain from sexual activities.

Since you can easily get a vaginal infection pill online and treat at home, you shouldn’t wait long to treat it. Ignoring your yeast infection may have a severe impact on your health. It additionally ruins the sexual life in a relationship. also, know more about Vaginal Infections

This blog helps you understand the vaginal infection concerns and their relation to sexual intercourse.

Following are some of the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection:

*Vaginal Discharge
*Burning and itching in the genital area
*Painful sexual intercourse
*Pain in the vagina
*Painful urination

Can you have sexual intercourse while you have a vaginal infection?

Earlier, healthcare providers would always warn couples not to have sexual intercourse until yeast infection has not been treated. However, recent studies suggest that it is possible for a woman to have intercourse even in the presence of yeast infection with certain risks involved.

Individuals typically abstain from having sexual intercourse, especially the woman during the presence of vaginal infection. It is primarily because the sexual activity may make her pain severe and increase itching.

Additionally, having sexual intercourse while you have a yeast infection makes the activity uncomfortable while it makes the yeast infection last longer or has recurring yeast infections. Most importantly, it can have infection risks for your partner.

Is yeast infection contagious?

The yeast infection is infectious through sexual contact. The probability, although, is low. Some studies suggest that yeast infection can transmit if sexual activity is happening between two women. The study has contrary views as well.

As said before, the probability of infection getting spread in men is low; one cannot deny the fact that the sexual activity with a yeast infection is risky for both partners

After you treat the yeast infection, how long should you wait for sexual intercourse? 

If you are on treatment for yeast infection, having sexual intercourse while you are on the treatment can take more time for the healing process.

Further, if the partner gets affected due to sexual activity in the presence of infection, it is also possible that the infection gets spread both ways.

Hence when you are taking a vaginal infection pill to treat your yeast problem, avoid having intercourse. You can resume your sexual activity after a week or two after the infection has cleared up.

Following are the causes of a yeast infection: 

*The increased presence of Candida
*Imbalance of Lactobacillus bacteria

The following reasons may affect the bacterial balance in the reproductive area: 

*Excessive consumption of antibiotics
*High sugar consumption
*Hormonal imbalance
*High glucose level/ diabetes

Today, treating a yeast infection is not difficult. That being said, if a woman encounters recurring yeast infection, they should consult their healthcare provider at the earliest. In such cases, Candida may not be the primary factor causing a yeast infection.

When should you get medical attention?

To treat your vaginal infection, you can easily get over the counter treatments online. The following are some of the medications you can consider for managing your vaginal infection problem.


Though the medications mentioned above are available over the counter, women should see their healthcare provider the first time they develop a yeast infection. It will help them get the correct treatment.

Also, women should get medical attention from the healthcare provider in the following cases: 

*The medication affects the immune system
*The symptoms are getting severe
*You conceive while you had an infection
*Prolonged or frequent infections (4-5 in a year)

After you treat the infection and vaginal heals completely, you can get back to your sexual life within a week or two.

Monday, 4 March 2019

How Does Pregnancy Happen?

Sexual intercourse is the answer in a nutshell. However, every unprotected sexual intercourse may not end up in pregnancy. Pregnancy is a complicated process which is sometimes beyond the explanation of biology. However, this blog endeavors to explain how pregnancy takes place. 

Menstrual periods are the beginning of a woman’s body to prepare for pregnancy. When you menstruate, an egg releases from the ovaries and passes through the fallopian tubes. This is also called ovulation. The sex hormones in the woman’s body control menstrual cycle every month. As the egg matures, it indicates that it is ready to be fertilized by a sperm.  

The sex hormones in the woman’s body additionally make the uterine lining spongy and thick, thereby making it ready for pregnancy. 

What is sperm? 

Sperm is a part of semen which is produced in the testosterone ( a reproductive organ in men). It travels from the penis to the vagina because of penetration during sexual intercourse. 

When the egg is out in the fallopian tube, it prances in the organ for around 12-24 hours during ovulation ( 10-14 after menstrual period).  

What happens when a sperm meets egg? 

When the sperm meets egg, the egg gets fertilized in the uterine lining. As a result, the pregnancy And that’s how a woman gets pregnant. The fertilization does not take place immediately. Since the egg prances in the fallopian tube area for a good number of hours, the sperm can take up to 6 days for fertilization forming a ball of cells. This ball gets into the uterus within 48-56 hours. 

If you wish to end an unwanted pregnancy, you must take the decision in the first half. Medical abortion is the best option in such a situation as you can easily get MTP kit online to end the pregnancy at home. 

This fertilized sperm then has different phases such as embryo, fetus and so on. In the third trimester, the womb holds an actual baby with all its organ right from hands, legs, nose, eyes, hair etc.